
Glow On! Your Pathway To Complete Dermatological Care Awaits


Dermatology is a specialized medical field that focuses on the diagnosis, treatment, and management of various skin conditions and diseases. At Chord Road's Dermatology sub-department, we are committed to providing comprehensive and specialized dermatology services to our patients. Our team of experienced dermatologists and healthcare professionals aims to deliver exceptional care and improve the overall health and well-being of our patients. Within Dermatology, we offer expertise in various areas to address the diverse needs of our patients:


Dermatopathology is a specialized field within dermatology that involves the diagnostic evaluation of skin conditions through microscopic examination of skin tissue samples. Dermatopathologists are experts in analyzing skin biopsies, identifying cellular and tissue changes, and providing accurate diagnoses. By examining skin samples under a microscope, dermatopathologists can determine the nature of skin diseases, such as infections, inflammatory conditions, autoimmune disorders, or cancerous growths. This information is crucial in guiding appropriate treatment plans and ensuring optimal patient care.

Expertise of dermatopathologists
  • Expertise in analyzing skin tissue samples under a microscope to identify pathological changes and abnormalities.
  • Extensive knowledge of histology, immunohistochemistry, and molecular techniques to aid in the diagnosis of skin diseases.
  • Proficiency in recognizing characteristic patterns and structures in skin cells, tissues, and structures to classify various skin diseases accurately.
  • Ability to differentiate between benign and malignant skin conditions and provide accurate diagnoses for appropriate treatment.
  • Skill in correlating clinical information, such as patient history and physical examination findings, with microscopic observations to provide comprehensive diagnostic reports.

Pediatric Dermatology

Pediatric dermatology focuses on the diagnosis and management of skin conditions that specifically affect infants, children, and adolescents. Children may experience various skin conditions unique to their age group, including eczema, birthmarks, genetic skin disorders, acne, warts, and infectious rashes. Pediatric dermatologists specialize in recognizing these conditions, assessing their impact on the child's physical and emotional well-being, and developing tailored treatment plans. They aim to provide compassionate care, address the specific needs of young patients, and support their overall health and development.

Importance of age-appropriate treatment approaches and family-centered care in pediatric dermatology
  • Age-appropriate treatment approaches consider the unique physiology, anatomy, and psychological aspects of children, ensuring safe and effective care.
  • Children's skin conditions often require specialized management due to their developing immune systems and potential impact on growth and development.
  • Family-centered care involves actively involving parents and caregivers in the treatment process, providing education, support, and guidance for the child's overall well-being.
  • Collaborating with parents and caregivers helps ensure treatment adherence and long-term success in managing pediatric skin conditions.
  • Age-appropriate care and family involvement foster trust, comfort, and positive experiences, promoting better outcomes and quality of life for pediatric patients.

Cosmetic Dermatology

Cosmetic dermatology encompasses personalized treatment plans tailored to individual needs and goals, with a focus on improving the appearance and health of the skin. Cosmetic dermatologists offer a wide range of non-surgical procedures, minimally invasive treatments, and skincare regimens to enhance skin texture, tone, and vitality. These may include treatments for wrinkles, fine lines, age spots, uneven pigmentation, acne scars, and other cosmetic concerns. By considering a patient's unique skin type, concerns, and desired outcomes, cosmetic dermatologists provide customized treatment options to help patients achieve their aesthetic goals.

Expertise of cosmetic dermatologists
  • In-depth understanding of facial anatomy and aesthetics to create harmonious and balanced results.
  • Proficiency in using various cosmetic treatments, such as Botox, fillers, and laser therapies, to address specific concerns and enhance the natural features of the face.
  • Skill in selecting appropriate products and techniques to promote skin health and improve its texture, tone, and elasticity.
  • Knowledge of the latest advancements in cosmetic dermatology, allowing for the utilization of innovative procedures and technologies for optimal outcomes.
  • Ability to customize treatment plans according to individual needs and goals, ensuring personalized care and natural-looking results for each patient.

Dermatologic Surgery

Dermatologic surgery involves the use of advanced techniques and technologies to perform surgical procedures that treat various skin conditions. Dermatologic surgeons are skilled in the precise removal of skin tumors, including skin cancer, using techniques such as Mohs micrographic surgery. They also perform procedures for scar revision, skin rejuvenation, laser surgery, and other interventions. Dermatologic surgery aims to achieve optimal outcomes while prioritizing patient safety and minimizing potential side effects. By utilizing the latest advancements in surgical techniques and technologies, dermatologic surgeons strive to provide the highest quality care to their patients.

Importance of a multidisciplinary approach and post-operative care in dermatologic surgery
  • A multidisciplinary approach in dermatologic surgery involves collaboration between dermatologists, surgeons, anesthesiologists, and other healthcare professionals to provide comprehensive and holistic care.
  • It ensures that patients receive specialized expertise and coordinated care throughout the surgical process, from pre-operative evaluation to post-operative management.
  • Different specialties contribute their unique knowledge and skills, optimizing surgical outcomes, minimizing complications, and enhancing patient safety.
  • Post-operative care plays a crucial role in promoting healing, preventing infections, managing pain, and achieving optimal cosmetic results.
  • The multidisciplinary team works together to develop individualized post-operative care plans, monitor patient progress, and address any concerns or complications that may arise.

Contact Dermatitis

Contact dermatitis is a common skin condition caused by exposure to allergens or irritants. It results in localized inflammation and skin reactions. Dermatologists specializing in contact dermatitis conduct patch testing to identify the specific allergens triggering the reaction. They develop personalized treatment plans that may include avoidance strategies, such as eliminating contact with allergens or irritants, and recommend appropriate topical treatments to manage symptoms. By addressing the underlying triggers and providing individualized care, dermatologists help patients effectively manage and prevent contact dermatitis.

Importance of identifying and avoiding triggers to prevent recurrent episodes
  • Identifying and avoiding triggers is crucial in preventing recurrent episodes of skin conditions such as contact dermatitis or allergic reactions.
  • Avoiding triggers helps reduce the frequency and severity of symptoms, improving the overall quality of life for individuals with sensitive skin.
  • It helps minimize the need for repeated treatment interventions and medication use, reducing the risk of potential side effects.
  • Identifying triggers allows individuals to make informed lifestyle choices and modify their environment to create a more skin-friendly and allergen-free space.
  • By avoiding triggers, individuals can prevent the development of complications or worsening of existing skin conditions, promoting better long-term skin health.


Immunohematology focuses on the comprehensive approach to diagnosing, treating, and monitoring autoimmune and connective tissue diseases that affect the skin. These conditions, such as lupus, dermatomyositis, scleroderma, and vasculitis, involve complex interactions between the immune system and the skin. Dermatologists specializing in immunohematology work collaboratively with rheumatologists and other specialists to provide integrated care. They employ a range of diagnostic tools, including blood tests and skin biopsies, to assess disease activity, prescribe appropriate therapies, and monitor patients' response to treatment.

Importance of a multidisciplinary approach and personalized treatment plans in immunohematology
  • Immunohematology requires a multidisciplinary approach to effectively address the complex nature of immune-related skin disorders and their underlying causes.
  • Collaboration among dermatologists, rheumatologists, and other healthcare professionals allows for comprehensive evaluation, accurate diagnosis, and tailored treatment plans.
  • A personalized treatment approach in immunohematology takes into account the individual's specific condition, medical history, and response to previous treatments, leading to optimized outcomes.
  • By considering the unique needs and preferences of each patient, personalized treatment plans in immunohematology enhance treatment adherence and overall patient satisfaction.
  • The multidisciplinary approach and personalized treatment plans help monitor disease progression, adjust treatments when necessary, and achieve long-term disease control and management.

Hair & Nail Disorders

Hair and nail disorders encompass a variety of conditions that affect the health and appearance of hair and nails. Dermatologists specializing in this area provide specialized care to diagnose and manage conditions such as alopecia (hair loss), nail infections, brittle nails, and disorders affecting hair growth or pigmentation. They offer treatment options, including medical therapies, procedural interventions, and lifestyle modifications, to improve the health, growth, and aesthetics of hair and nails. By addressing underlying causes and implementing targeted treatment plans, dermatologists help patients achieve healthier hair and nails.

Latest advancements in the treatment of hair and nail disorders
  • Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy has emerged as a promising treatment for hair and nail disorders, utilizing the patient's own growth factors to stimulate hair growth and improve nail health.
  • Laser therapy, including low-level laser therapy (LLLT), has shown positive results in promoting hair regrowth and improving the appearance and strength of nails.
  • Topical and systemic medications, such as minoxidil and finasteride, have been utilized for the treatment of hair disorders, providing new options for managing conditions like androgenetic alopecia.
  • Advancements in surgical techniques, such as hair transplantation and nail surgery, offer effective and precise solutions for hair and nail restoration, respectively.
  • Targeted therapies, such as biologic medications, are being investigated and utilized for the treatment of specific hair and nail disorders, providing more tailored and effective treatment options.

Infectious Diseases of the Skin

Infectious diseases of the skin refer to conditions caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, or parasites that affect the skin. Dermatologists play a crucial role in the identification, diagnosis, and management of these diseases. They adopt a comprehensive approach, which may include a detailed medical history, physical examination, laboratory tests, and microscopic examination of skin samples. Dermatologists prescribe appropriate antimicrobial therapy, such as antibiotics or antifungals, to treat the infection effectively. Additionally, they educate patients on preventive measures, such as proper hygiene practices, to control the spread of infectious diseases.

Importance of timely treatment and follow-up care in infectious diseases of the skin
  • Timely treatment of infectious diseases of the skin is crucial to prevent the spread of the infection to other parts of the body or to other individuals.
  • Early intervention can help alleviate symptoms, reduce discomfort, and minimize the risk of complications associated with skin infections.
  • Prompt treatment can prevent the progression of the infection and promote faster healing, leading to better overall outcomes.
  • Follow-up care is important to monitor the effectiveness of treatment, assess the healing process, and adjust the treatment plan if necessary.
  • Regular follow-up appointments can also help identify any potential relapses or recurrences of the infection and ensure appropriate management.

Autoimmune and Connective Tissue Diseases

Autoimmune and connective tissue diseases can manifest in various skin manifestations, and their management often requires a collaborative approach between dermatologists and rheumatologists. These conditions, including lupus, dermatomyositis, scleroderma, and vasculitis, involve complex interactions between the immune system and connective tissues, leading to skin involvement. Dermatologists and rheumatologists work together to assess disease activity, prescribe appropriate immunosuppressive therapies, manage symptoms, and monitor patients' response to treatment. By combining their expertise, these specialists provide comprehensive care to address the complex nature of autoimmune and connective tissue diseases affecting the skin.

Importance of early intervention, disease-modifying therapies, and patient education in autoimmune and connective tissue diseases
  • Early intervention in autoimmune and connective tissue diseases can help prevent or minimize long-term damage to the affected organs or tissues.
  • Disease-modifying therapies, when initiated early, can slow down the progression of the disease, reduce symptoms, and improve the overall quality of life for patients.
  • Early intervention and appropriate treatment can help manage and control inflammation, reducing the risk of complications and flares.
  • Patient education plays a crucial role in empowering individuals with autoimmune and connective tissue diseases to actively participate in their own care, understand their condition, and make informed decisions about treatment options.
  • By promoting early intervention, disease-modifying therapies, and patient education, the goal is to achieve better disease control, reduce disability, and enhance long-term outcomes for individuals with autoimmune and connective tissue diseases.


The dermatologist at our hospital has specialized expertise in identifying and managing a diverse array of skin allergies and sensitivities. We provides personalized treatment regimens aimed at alleviating symptoms such as pruritus, erythema, and discomfort.

We encourage you to consider a dermatology consultation for various concerns related to your skin, hair, and nails. If you're experiencing persistent acne or rashes, our skilled dermatologists are here to diagnose the issue and provide practical solutions to cure your concerns.

Yes, our dermatologists are skilled in cosmetic dermatology procedures. We can discuss your specific cosmetic concerns and recommend appropriate treatments customized to your needs.