
Enhance Your Confidence Through Transformative Plastic Surgery

Cosmetic Plastic Surgery

Welcome to Chord Road's Cosmetic/Plastic Surgery Department

At Chord Road Hospital, our Cosmetic/Plastic Surgery Department offers a wide range of services to help you achieve your desired aesthetic goals and improve your quality of life. Our team of highly skilled and experienced plastic surgeons is committed to delivering exceptional care and outstanding results. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards achieving your aesthetic goals with confidence.

Aesthetic Surgery

Our Aesthetic Surgery services are designed to enhance your natural beauty and boost your self-confidence. We offer a variety of procedures, including facelifts, breast augmentation, liposuction, and more. These procedures are tailored to meet your specific needs and desires, helping you achieve the look you've always wanted. Our before and after photos showcase the remarkable transformations our patients have undergone, inspiring you with the possibilities. We prioritize your safety and provide comprehensive information on the recovery process and potential risks associated with each procedure.

What are the types of procedures offered under Aesthetic Surgery?
  • Facelift: A procedure that helps reduce the signs of aging, providing a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance to the face.
  • Breast Augmentation: This procedure involves enhancing the size and shape of the breasts through the use of implants or fat transfer.
  • Liposuction: A surgical procedure that removes excess fat from specific areas of the body, helping to contour and sculpt the body.
Recovery process and potential risks of Aesthetic Surgery
  • Recovery Process

    The recovery period for aesthetic surgery varies depending on the specific procedure performed. Generally, patients can expect swelling, bruising, and discomfort, which gradually subside over time. It is essential to follow post-operative instructions provided by your surgeon, including proper wound care and prescribed medications.

  • Potential Risks:

    As with any surgical procedure, aesthetic surgery carries potential risks and complications. These may include infection, bleeding, scarring, adverse reactions to anesthesia, asymmetry, and dissatisfaction with the results. Your surgeon will discuss these risks with you during the consultation and take necessary precautions to minimize them.

Craniofacial Surgery

Craniofacial Surgery focuses on correcting and improving conditions affecting the structure and function of the head and face. Our skilled surgeons specialize in treating complex craniofacial conditions such as cleft lip and palate, craniosynostosis, and other facial abnormalities. Through before and after photos, you can witness the incredible transformations we have achieved for our patients. We are dedicated to providing you with detailed information on the recovery process and potential risks associated with Craniofacial Surgery, ensuring your peace of mind.

What are the types of conditions treated under Craniofacial Surgery?
  • Cleft Lip and Palate: Surgical repair of the cleft lip and/or palate to improve appearance, speech, and overall function.
  • Craniosynostosis: Treatment for the premature fusion of the skull sutures, allowing for proper brain and facial growth.
Recovery process and potential risks of Craniofacial Surgery
  • Recovery Process

    The recovery after craniofacial surgery is unique to each patient and depends on the specific procedure performed. It typically involves a period of swelling, bruising, and discomfort, which gradually improves over several weeks. Your surgeon will provide specific post-operative instructions, including wound care, pain management, and follow-up appointments.

  • Potential Risks:

    Craniofacial surgery, like any surgical procedure, carries potential risks and complications. These may include infection, bleeding, scarring, changes in sensation, asymmetry, and unsatisfactory cosmetic outcomes. Your surgeon will explain these risks and closely monitor your progress to minimize them.

Ethnic Plastic Surgery

Ethnic Plastic Surgery celebrates and respects the diverse beauty of different ethnicities. Our skilled surgeons specialize in procedures such as rhinoplasty and blepharoplasty, tailored to meet the unique aesthetic goals of individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds. We showcase before and after photos to demonstrate the artistry and skill involved in achieving natural-looking results. We prioritize your safety and provide comprehensive information on the recovery process and potential risks associated with Ethnic Plastic Surgery.

What are the types of procedures offered under Ethnic Plastic Surgery?
  • Rhinoplasty: Refining and reshaping the nose to achieve a more balanced and harmonious facial appearance.
  • Blepharoplasty: Enhancing the eyelids through procedures such as double eyelid surgery or eyelid lift.
Recovery process and potential risks of Ethnic Plastic Surgery
  • Recovery Process

    The recovery process for ethnic plastic surgery can vary depending on the procedure performed. Swelling, bruising, and discomfort are common initially, but they subside over time. Your surgeon will provide detailed post-operative instructions, including wound care, activity restrictions, and follow-up appointments.

  • Potential Risks:

    Ethnic plastic surgery, like any surgical procedure, carries inherent risks. These may include infection, bleeding, adverse reactions to anesthesia, scarring, dissatisfaction with results, and potential impact on ethnic features. Your surgeon will discuss these risks with you during the consultation and develop a personalized plan to minimize them.

Hand Surgery

Hand Surgery focuses on the treatment of conditions affecting the hand and upper extremities. Our dedicated team of hand surgeons specializes in treating conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome, Dupuytren's contracture, and hand trauma. Through before and after photos, you can witness the transformative outcomes we have achieved for our patients. We are committed to providing you with detailed information on the recovery process and potential risks associated with Hand Surgery, ensuring the best possible outcome for your hand health.

What are the types of conditions treated under Hand Surgery?
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Surgical intervention to relieve pressure on the median nerve, alleviating pain and restoring hand function.
  • Dupuytren's Contracture: Corrective procedures to release contracted tissue in the hand and fingers, restoring movement and function.
Recovery process and potential risks of Hand Surgery
  • Recovery Process

    The recovery process after hand surgery depends on the specific condition treated and the procedure performed. It often involves immobilization, hand therapy, and gradually increasing activities. Your surgeon will provide instructions on post-operative care, including wound care, pain management, and rehabilitation exercises.

  • Potential Risks:

    Hand surgery, while generally safe, carries potential risks and complications. These may include infection, bleeding, nerve or blood vessel injury, stiffness, weakness, and unsatisfactory functional outcomes. Your surgeon will discuss these risks with you and take appropriate measures to minimize them.


Microsurgery is a specialized surgical technique that involves intricate procedures performed under a microscope. Our Microsurgery services include tissue reconstruction and nerve repair, enabling us to address complex cases and restore functionality. Through before and after photos, you can witness the remarkable reconstructive outcomes we have achieved for our patients. We prioritize your safety and provide comprehensive information on the recovery process and potential risks associated with Microsurgery.

What are the types of procedures offered under Microsurgery?
  • Tissue Reconstruction: Using microsurgical techniques to restore form and function by transferring tissue from one part of the body to another.
  • Nerve Repair: Precise repair of damaged nerves using microsurgical techniques to restore sensation and movement.
Recovery process and potential risks of Microsurgery
  • Recovery Process

    The recovery process following microsurgery depends on the specific procedure performed and the area of the body involved. It may involve a period of wound healing, restricted activity, and hand therapy. Your surgeon will provide detailed post-operative instructions and closely monitor your progress during follow-up appointments.

  • Potential Risks:

    Microsurgery carries risks, including infection, bleeding, blood clot formation, tissue loss, impaired wound healing, and functional impairment. Your surgeon will explain these risks to you and implement strategies to minimize them.

Pediatric Plastic Surgery

Pediatric Plastic Surgery focuses on the treatment of congenital birth defects and conditions affecting children. Our compassionate team specializes in procedures such as left lip and palate repair, craniofacial reconstruction, and other pediatric plastic surgery interventions. Before and after photos demonstrate the transformative impact of our treatments on children's lives. We provide detailed information on the recovery process and potential risks associated with Pediatric Plastic Surgery, ensuring the best possible outcome for your child.

What are the types of conditions treated under Pediatric Plastic Surgery?
  • Cleft Lip and Palate: Surgical repair to correct the separation in the lip or palate, improving feeding, speech, and appearance.
  • Congenital Birth Defects: Surgical interventions to correct abnormalities such as craniofacial anomalies, hand deformities, and more.
Recovery process and potential risks of Pediatric Plastic Surgery
  • Recovery Process

    The recovery process for pediatric plastic surgery varies depending on the specific procedure performed and the child's age. It typically involves wound care, pain management, and follow-up appointments with the surgical team. Your surgeon will provide detailed post-operative instructions tailored to your child's needs.

  • Potential Risks:

    Pediatric plastic surgery, like any surgical procedure, carries potential risks and complications. These may include infection, bleeding, scarring, anesthesia-related risks, and unsatisfactory cosmetic outcomes. Your surgeon will discuss these risks with you and ensure the best possible care for your child.

Prison Plastic Surgery

Prison Plastic Surgery encompasses a range of procedures designed to address the specific needs of individuals who have undergone changes due to tattoos or scars acquired during their time in prison. Our expert surgeons specialize in tattoo removal and scar revision, helping individuals transition to a new chapter in their lives. Through before and after photos, you can witness the remarkable results we have achieved for our patients. We prioritize your safety and provide comprehensive information on the recovery process and potential risks associated with Prison Plastic Surgery.

What are the types of procedures offered under Prison Plastic Surgery?
  • Tattoo Removal: Laser-based techniques to remove unwanted tattoos and provide a fresh start.
  • Scar Revision: Surgical procedures to minimize the appearance of scars, improving their texture, color, and overall visibility.
Recovery Process and Potential Risks of Prison Plastic Surgery
  • Recovery Process

    The recovery process for prison plastic surgery depends on the specific procedure performed. It often involves wound care, pain management, and follow-up appointments to monitor healing progress. Your surgeon will provide detailed post-operative instructions to facilitate a smooth recovery.

  • Potential Risks:

    Prison plastic surgery carries potential risks and complications, similar to other surgical procedures. These may include infection, bleeding, scarring, delayed wound healing, adverse reactions to anesthesia, and potential dissatisfaction with the results. Your surgeon will discuss these risks with you and address any concerns you may have.


We'll discuss your goals, medical history, and potential procedures during your consultation. Our surgeon will assess your background and explain the process in detail. It's a chance to ask questions and address any concerns.

Yes, patient confidentiality is our highest priority. We adhere to strict privacy and data protection policies to guarantee that your personal information and treatment details are always kept private.

The after procedure differs based on the type of surgery. Your plastic surgeon will provide comprehensive postoperative instructions and assistance to facilitate a speedy recovery.Throughout your healing journey, our team will be available to address any concerns or queries you may have.